Monday, 21 April 2008

Lewis wind farm plan rejected

The Scottish Government have finally come out and reject plans to build a 181 turbine wind farm on the island of Lewis.

Scottish ministers decided the project would have a serious impact on the Lewis Peatlands Special Protection Area, which is designated under the European Commission (EC) Birds Directive and protected under the EC Habitats Directive.

Energy Minister Jim Mather said: "The Lewis Wind Farm would have significant adverse impacts on the Lewis Peatlands Special Protection Area, which is designated due to its high value for rare and endangered birds.
"This decision does not mean that there cannot be onshore wind farms in the Western Isles.
"I strongly believe the vast renewables potential needs to be exploited to ensure that the opportunities and benefits of new development can be shared across the country in an equitable fashion."

This is a rare case of this blog and blogger being in agreement with the Gnat run Scottish Government. Well done to them for making the correct decision even if they hummed and hawed for far too long over it.

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