Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Happy New Year!

With less than an hour to go until we reach 2009, I would like to take this opportunity to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you who visit this blog. As regulars will know I've not been blogging much these past few months, primarily for health reasons. I'm happy to report that I seem to be well along the road to recovery although still waiting for an appointment with the Neurology department at PRI (letter last week saying that I'll get an appointment within the next 18 weeks which will undoubtedly become the kernel of a future post).

Anyway enough of my waffle - just off to check that the tablet has set, the shortbread is open (no black bun here - it's an East coast abomination!) and the champagne is chilling.

Happy New Year to you all and may the best of 2008 be the worst of 2009.


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