Sunday, 15 April 2007

Farewell Millie & Welcome Milly

My Aunt Millie died a few weeks ago. She was part of my life for 45 years and part of my family for many years longer. Millie was my Godmother, although as a practicing atheist I never called on her to perform any Godmotherly duties - just loved her as a good and decent person who was always there in the background of my life, as I did her husband, my Uncle Bill who died a few years before her. I miss you both and remember you with love.

Just a week after we celebrated Aunt Millie's life Catherine's best girlfriend Sam and her gnome-loving husband Oz became the parents of a wee girl called Milly. My love and best wishes goes to all three of them and I wish the little one a happy and healthy life. So, welcome to the world MILLY KATE OSMOND who weighed in at 6lb 4oz.

The ties have it!

A silly little bit of fun to let some of my ties reach a larger audience!

Any suggestions for which one should be worn at the Cunninghame South Scottish Parliament count would be very welcome, but bear in mind that I'm the Lib Dem candidate...........

I'm back!

Sorry for having been posted missing for the last three weeks but the 'Black Dog' has been out and I, quite frankly, haven't had much to say. However, I'm now back in the passenger seat of life and can at least post a few mutterings.

There willl be a lot of thank you's in future posts as there have been a load of good folk supporting me through this thin time and, whatevver the results, there shall be a lot of people to thank for their help during the election campaign.

More soon if you can put up with my boring blog, as someone commented on the other Iain Dale's blog recently.